During the pandemic, I still get to meet and chat with my hospice patient online. I delight in listening to her and hearing her stories. She used to tell me how her husband and kids never complain while taking care of her. How she wants to help doing the house chores, but they insist for her to take a rest. That her youngest finally got a job and helps in buying her medicines. She is very grateful for her loving family.
She thanks God for providing their needs. That her strength comes from God alone. She is asking God to extend her life so she could spend more time with them. We always end our meetings by praying together. Being her volunteer, I wanna be present however I can. And all I wanna do is make her days a little more special. I want her to know that she is not alone in this.
I have developed a unique friendship with her and must keep in mind that it might be for just a short period of time. The end of life is hard, but it can also be beautiful. I view this journey with more gratitude because I’ve been beyond blessed to know her.
#HospiceDiaries #ValueofFamily #GratefultoGod #WorthofFriendship